Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'll turn YOU into a goon

I just looked at the current weather for St. Louis.  This is me shooting you an extremely dirty look for your stupid 70º and sun.  It was so cold here today I kind of whimpered every time I stepped outside.  You'd think that since I'm from South Dakota, I could handle it.  And you're probably right, and I'm probably just being a wimp.  But seriously.  Cold here doesn't mess around.  It goes straight to your insides and makes you never want to leave your flat again.  It's a little bit of a comfort that it's snowing in Spearfish right now and I know that's something that will not happen here.  It did, however, hail today.  Not promising.

I found myself today having to explain to my German flatmate the meaning of the word "goon".  I explained that I'm really the only person I know who uses it in normal conversation, but I still couldn't quite describe it.  Then it occurred to me that it comes from that "Little Bunny Foo Foo" rhyme.  I didn't really feel like singing the song for her, so, like the internet-dependent savvy teenager young adult that I am, I YouTubed it.  And, to the utter delight of all involved, this is what I came up with.


Watch it.  Please oh please.

Oh yes, my European friend, this is a nostalgic song from my typical American childhood...accompanied by cartoon images of a bunny brutally murdering a couple dozen mice.  Just fantastic.  She was really impressed.

Anyways.  I just made a rather fantastic discovery: our trip to Paris is being headed by a type-A American wondergirl.  She just sent us all a nine-page Word document filled with maps of the Paris metro and bus systems, information on ALL the major things we want to see, a tentative schedule, detailed directions to and from each destination, and key phrases in French.  This is AWESOME!  I'll be honest, it does take the smallest bit of excitement out of it all, but on the bright side it will probably save me from being eaten alive by Paris.  But really, in case I haven't said it, I'm just super excited to have a group to go with.  Mostly because 1) I'm bound to do something ridiculous, and it's just better if there are people you know to openly laugh at you, and 2) I know approximately five French phrases, and only three of them are the least bit helpful.  Okay, and I guess I'm excited for the companionship.  :)  The group is mostly girls, so you know it's going to be SHOPPING and CHOCOLATE and AMAZING.  OHMYGOODNESS I'm excited.

Update: Tina tried to coach me in French pronunciation and I failed.  This should be a really good time.

I've been typing this post disjointedly over the last six hours or so.  In that time I also managed to correctly make my chocolate chip cookies.  After three tries since being in the UK, I have finally assembled all the necessary ingredients.  No incorrect substitutions.  And they rock my world a little bit.  These cookies are definitely my secret plan for world domination.  Don't tell anyone.   (PS Niko, you can be co-dictator with me since you co-discovered them.)

All right.  Six hours later, I have finally managed to assemble a suitable post.  Kthx.  Time to go to bed because I have a 7:30 prayer meeting in the morning.  Rock it.

3 days until Paris.



  1. I am pretty much a supporter of all goings-ons (that is a term right?) in this entry. I also hope that my being goonish inspired this whole goon saga to begin with.

    I guess we will get it when you return from Paris but not even a mention of the highlights of your itinerary? (and I sincerely hope that you don't consider shopping, chocolate, and amazing to be the "highlights")

    I'm rather surprised you even attempted to make substitutions so many times, after we already proved over the summer that that wasn't a good idea....I guess Melodys will be Melodys though

  2. Right now I'm mostly just disturbed. In my imagination, "bopping" the field mice in the head didn't involve brutally thrashing them with a baseball bat. Apparently I missed out on that memo. Although it would make more sense that the good fairy wouldn't want LBFF to do the latter....
