Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Please read and respond!

Sorry for the inundation of posts recently.  This will be the last one for a couple of days, I promise.  I have a matter that requires your opinions as readers.  I have the opportunity to make some petty cash with this blog by using Google AdSense.  This means there would be small ads placed either at the bottom of each post or in the sidebar or both.  The ads would be related to both content of this page and your personal browsing history.  I would get some amount of money for every time the ads were viewed, as well as every time they were clicked.  NOTE: I would NOT ask you to click on the ads.  If they're really interesting and you want to, go for it.  But I would never ask you to waste your time with them for my sake.  If they get bad or obnoxious in any way, I promise to take them off.  If they would bother you as readers to be there, I won't do it to begin with.  I know how annoyed ads make me sometimes.  I don't know how much money I'd make, but from what I hear, it can definitely be worth it.  If it isn't, I'll stop.  I'd really, really like to know if this would bother you.

So, thoughts?  (You may certainly post comments anonymously if you'd like.)

Thank you so much!


  1. I'd say go for it. All of your readers are just friends/family anyway so it's not like you will lose readers over your ads lol. As long as you are being paid just for views anyway (doubt you will get any clicks). If you have an option though, try to make them not ones that will actually pop out and distract from reading (as in you have to hit the tiny extremely-hard-to-find close button).

    As for your promise of last post in a couple days, you are more than welcome to break that. In fact I encourage you to continue posting frequently.

  2. I must say I'm pretty impressed you've gotten enough views to get them to offer you ads though. Must be indicative of how well you write :)

  3. Agreed. Please make money off of our obsession with your Melody-in-Europe-ness.
