Friday, October 29, 2010

Good riddance to bad essays.

They're over they're over they're over!!  I think I had a small heart attack this afternoon when I suddenly realized I had to also print off a hard copy and turn it in in person rather than only the online submission (which I had turned in with plenty of time to spare) and so I ran to the library because that's the closest place with printers but the computers wouldn't open my files so I tried to find Macs but the library has a total of ten of them and two of them were broken and the other eight were in use so I had to run back to my flat to get my computer to change the file format and email them to myself and run back to the library to print them off with fifteen minutes until the due date/time and run to the philosophy building and sign the "I swear this is my work and only my work" paper and stuff it into the slot at 4:00 exactly.  And I hadn't showered yet so I was incredibly gross looking and I don't even want to think about how frightening I must have looked storming back and forth across campus and then of course I ran into one of my professors in the philosophy building who totally did a double take at me racing through the building like a crazy person so now he definitely knows that I'm the one who barely got their essay in on time.  Awesome.

But.  Now I've said some choice parting words to those particular essays and showered and everything and I feel so much more sane.  And...are you ready for this?...we have a new flatmate!  Crazy turnaround time, that.  She popped her head in this morning when I was in the kitchen in my pajamas and said she was looking for a new room and asked me how I liked living here, and I was honest in that it's kind of awesome, so she was convinced and moved in this afternoon!  She's American, from California, and I like her a lot.  She's bubbly, to say the least.  She goes to Scripps, she's in an a cappella group (so she also likes music lots in general), she misses home too, she's really interested in getting to know/doing stuff with the rest of us and she seems pretty down with our weirdness as a flat.  What's not to like??  Even though it could have been kind of awesome with only three of us in the flat, I kind of feel super blessed with this random turn of events.  Germany and Canada are faux-nervous at the Americans taking over the flat, but whatever.  :) 

To be honest, I was originally a little bummed because they tell you to try to hang out with locals, and if you tried to divide the number of total friends I have by those who are actually Scottish the answer would be undefined.  (Because you can't divide by zero.  Ha ha.  Get it?  Okay, it was lame, whatever.)  And I find myself hanging out with a suspiciously large number of Americans.  But that's okay.  I've met some Scottish people and they're chill.  They just don't feel like hanging out with yet another American.  And I'd rather hang out with people who legitimately want to hang out with me than seeking out Scottish people like I'm on some kind of freakish mission.  Anyway.  That's how it is.

In other news, I finally have (free!) international minutes on my phone!  Not that this really matters to most of you, because Skype is way easier and free for you as well as me and doesn't require me giving you a primer to international phone calling.  But if you really feel like you might desperately need to get ahold of me at some random time I can give you the spiel.  And my number.  You know.

I think I really need some food and possibly a nap.  Lots of love.


  1. The run-ons worked kind of beautifully (sorry to get all English class on you after you finally finished your essays)

  2. But it's so easy to see you doing these things... I literally laughed out loud picturing you, unshowered, barreling down the hallway in some random building with your professor standing by in horror/awe. Another priceless Melody moment.

    PS I love your undefined joke. Except it would, mathematically, make more sense to divide the number of Scottish friends you've made by the total friends you've made (which would be zero). That way, you would calculate the percentage (if you multiplied by 100) of friends you've made that are Scottish. Not that that matters. It's just late and I'm tired and for some reason this seems relevant. So here it is.

    K thanks lol, to quote miss Rachel Strength.
