Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Me, the twenty-something...

It's my birthday.  :)

I tried to get up early and take myself out to coffee/breakfast before my 9:00 class.  I was up on time; the coffee shops weren't.  Incredible, right??  It was 8:30 am and nothing was open.  Finally on my fourth try, I found one that was open and so had a mocha and the best banana bread of my life while speed-walking to class.  I could taste the sugar to the point of it being almost - almost - crunchy between my teeth.  So delicious.  Planned celebration: informal get-together tonight, high tea (!!) with the flatmates sometime possibly this weekend, and Boyce Avenue concert in two weeks.  The fun does not stop.  :)

Also: I have a plane ticket to Paris and a train ticket to London!!  AAAAARRRRGGGHH EXCITEMENT!!!  Also I was invited on a day trip to St. Andrews on Saturday.  I don't really know what's there...except for the university that Prince William went to, which is, um, awesome.  Plus there must be other cool things.  I'm just generally excited for life right now.

All kinds of crazy love,


  1. BOYCEEEE. I'm basically just going to keep posting weird BA-related comments until/probably after that happens. You must. Take. Pictures.

    PS - Once again, happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday! St. Andrews is beautiful, it has the world's most famous golf course, the beach where the famous scene from Chariots of Fire was filmed, and a few ruins!
