Monday, November 22, 2010

IN THE FLESH: Boyce Avenue

K so even though I had to go to the BA concert with a nasty cold last night, it was absolutely amazing.  I didn't even end up having to go by myself - my American flatmate, when I told her I was going, was like, OH I love Boyce Avenue, I was going to go but just never got a ticket.  So she tagged along, and they let her in.  Which was awesome.

It was held in Cabaret Voltaire, one of the many Edinburgh clubs/venues that is down in the depths of the old catacombs under the city.  So it was basically like our own little Boyce Avenue cave.  And I do mean little - we were SO CLOSE to the band, it was incredible.  And we were near the back.  The place wasn't even full.  Unfortunately the people that were there were mostly young teenaged couples.  Which was awkward.  And then the other half was middle-aged couples...which was even more awkward?  Well, whatever.  I felt kind of awesome for being one of the <100 people in Edinburgh cool enough to go to a Boyce Avenue concert.

The opener was Ryan Cabrera...I felt sort of bad for him.  If you're saying to yourself, "Isn't he that guy that was cool like ten years ago?", the answer is yes.  I actually knew one of the songs he played, but he only did like four.  And nobody was that into it.  We were all silently like yeah, whatever, dude, just bring out Boyce Avenue.

And then they DID.  And they were AMAZING.  Nobody was very into them at first either, which was rather mystifying.  But I was screaming (take that, sore throat), and eventually everybody else was convinced too.  I had been wondering beforehand whether they would play just their originals or some of their covers as well...they did it all.  Mostly their own, but also "Teenage Dream", "Dynamite", and "Disturbia".  My absolute favorite was "On My Way" - at the beginning Alejandro was like, "This is dedicated to all the single people in the audience.  Do we have any single people here tonight?" and literally like four of us cheered.  Awesome.  (I told you it was all couples.  Crazy Brits.)  But whatever, it was fantastic.  He went on to say he wrote the song for the girl he's going to spend the rest of his life with, who he hasn't met yet.  AWWWWW SO CUTE.  Pretty sure I almost cried.

And the rest of the concert continued in a similarly awesome fashion.  We got them out for an encore, obviously.  My flatmate and I kind of booked it out of there as soon as it was over to avoid the rush.  Unfortunately this morning I see Facebook murmurings suggesting they came out and met people afterwards, which makes me want to die a little for not having stayed.  But whatever.  I will go to another concert of theirs without hesitation with anyone who wants to go.  Seriously, next time they're within 500 miles of St. Louis I am THERE.

My camera took only awful pictures, unfortunately, given the weird lighting.  And then the batteries died on me halfway through.  But I did manage to get some decent video.  :D  All should be up on Facebook.  Enjoy.

1 comment:


    Sorry, I feel like I've been stalking your facebook for the last 24 hours.

    But seriously. We are going to the next BA concert in the vicinity of St. Louis. Period.
