Monday, August 30, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

T minus seven hours, thirty-five minutes.

It's almost 1 AM Monday morning and I'm sitting on my bed sleepily pondering the next thirty hours or so.  It is going to be ca-razy.  Here's the plan:

1:00 - go to sleep
3:00 - wake up!
4:30 - leave for airport
7:15 - fly away
8:30 - arrive Denver
4:30 - arrive Newark, NJ
8:00 - depart Newark, NJ
7:45 AM - arrive Edinburgh!! (note: six-hour time difference from CT)
8:00 - make a fool of myself at British customs
8:15-ish - not get deported
9:00 - convince Scottish storage company to rent me a space even though I don't have a real UK address; deposit baggage in said storage space
10:00 - deposit backpack at hostel
10:30 - wander around Edinburgh acquiring coffee, food, cell phone capability, and internet access.  In that order.

I'm praying I can sleep on the plane, because although I'm clearly going to demolish my circadian rhythm I would really like to retain some cognitive function for all of this.  Next thirty hours = Yikes.

I am so excited for this.  I can't even wrap my head around the idea that about this time tomorrow, I'm going to be in another country.  It's so incredibly, unbelievably thrilling.  But at the same time I'm pretty much terrified, mainly because A) I'm going to be alone in a foreign country, B) I'm going to be alone and sleep-deprived in a foreign country, and C) the idea of flying over a large body of water really freaks me out.  So, say some travel prayers for me, and by the grace of God I'll not only get through this but also have an incredible and epic time doing it.  :)  I'll update you on my safe arrival as soon as I can.  With pictures.

Love and miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. That seems really stupid that you have to go through's kinda the opposite direction than getting to Newark directly....
